Private, End-to-End Encrypted
Skiff Mail protects your inbox by keeping your messages end-to-end encrypted. That means that no one but you has access to your data.
Skiff MailNightwatch
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Inbox 12
Most recent
Heinrich Lox
Update to engineering status – Hey all, After touching base with Laura:
Product strategy sync – Hey Jo, will you be joining us this call?
Jason, Sunny, Joseph
Rewind Feature Eng Sync – I'm not entirely sure I agree with that approach. Users won't understand!
Where to find contract agreement? – Hey Jason, you mentioned the other day that there was an archival Sketch file for the original email mocks.
Tony, Paulie, Chris M
Upcoming event – Don't miss out! Join us for our upcoming event.
Jason, Sunny, Joseph
Meeting Tomorrow at 2 PM – lease let me know if you need to reschedule.
Confirmation of Payment Received – We have received your payment for invoice #425116.
Lella Lombardi
New Product Launch – We would be delighted if you could attend our launch event.
Florence Knoll
Job Offer – After careful consideration, we would like to offer you the position.
Skiff Mail is end-to-end encrypted email that protects your inbox and gives you the power to communicate freely.
Add or register your custom domainCustomize your email address in one click with a privacy-first Skiff Domain, or connect any domain you own. We salute you, [email protected]. Be the master of your domain.
gilmoregirl.comRenews Aug 5. 2025
rsarightaway.comRenews Aug 6. 2025
diffiecube.comRenews Sep 4. 2025
nightwatch.comRenews Sep 5. 2025
astro.worldRenews Oct 1. 2025
End-to-end encrypted emailsAll emails between Skiff users are end-to-end encrypted, including both subject and contents. External mail is encrypted with your keys on receipt, keeping it private.
UmV3aW5kIEZlYXR1cmUgRW5 – SSdtIG5vdCBlbnRpcmVseSBzdXJlIEkgYWdyZWUgd2l0aCB0aGF0IGFwcHJvYWNoLiBVc2Vyc
V2hlcmUgdG8gZmluZCBjb250cmFjdCBhZ – SGV5IEphc29uLCB5b3UgbWVudGlvbmVkIHRoZSBvdGhlciBkYXkgdGhhdCB0aGVyZSB3YXMgYW4gYXJjaGl2YWwgU2tldGNoIGZpbGUgZm9
VXBjb21pbmcgZX – RG9uJ3QgbWlzcyBvdXQhIEpvaW4gdXMgZm9yIG91ciB1cGN
TWVldGluZyBUb21vcnJvdyBh – bGVhc2UgbGV0IG1lIGtub3cgaWYgeW91IG5lZWQgdG8g
Heinrich Lox
Update to engineering status – Hey all, After touching base with Laura:
Product strategy sync – Hey Jo, will you be joining us this call?
Jason, Sunny, Joseph
Rewind Feature Eng Sync – I'm not entirely sure I agree with that approach. Users won't understand!
Where to find contract agreement? – Hey Jason, you mentioned the other day that there was an archival Sketch file for the original email mocks.
Tony, Paulie, Chris M
Upcoming event – Don't miss out! Join us for our upcoming event.
Jason, Sunny, Joseph
Meeting Tomorrow at 2 PM – lease let me know if you need to reschedule.
Preserve your privacy with unlimited aliasesAdd, manage, and delete aliases to keep your identity completely private.
New message
SubjectAn update to engineering status
Hey Diff,
Wanted to ask about an update on the most recent engineering design doc
Wanted to ask about an update on the most recent engineering design doc
Protect yourself from email trackingBlock trackers, opens, and more. Your device information and IP address are hidden by default when opening emails.
After touching base with Laura, we decided that we should build this in Q1 instead of immediately. We’ll reflect this change in the standup meeting tomorrow morning and reprioritize accordingly. Jason
After touching base with Laura, we decided that we should build this in Q1 instead of immediately. We’ll reflect this change in the standup meeting tomorrow morning and reprioritize accordingly. Jason
10 GB free storageSwitch comfortably to Skiff with 10 GB for free - more than any other end-to-end encrypted email provider.
1-click migrationMigrate in 1-click from Gmail, Outlook, ProtonMail, and more. Making the switch is quick, easy, and completely private.
Folders, labels, and moreKeep your inbox organized with folders, labels, and multiple aliases in every account.
Signatures and auto-replyCustomize your signature or add an auto-reply to any inbox.
Invite your teamShare workspaces and custom domains with your entire team, and stay organized with advanced admin controls.
Schedule and undo sendSchedule emails for future times or undo sent mail when you need to make a change - all for free.
Transparent and completely
open source